Monday, September 29, 2014

I wouldn`t like speaking about my future, even my job, at some other time I have planed about my future and few things have happened, I think now it wasn`t things for me. I prefer to think on this way now.  
I have studied other career in the past, and I hated it, one of this motives it was thinking I had being in one office all my life, I imagined it and I wanted getting out away. So, finally I decided looking for other ways, because never it`s too late, so I`m here jajajaj. 
I like a lot this career, it has everything I like, photography, sound, I write too, but how I like to learn I have checked in other areas too, like organization areas. 
I would like to have a master degree in the future, I don`t know what degree still, or a specialization course, I have to see it. 
This career in this country is really hard, so I`ll be content with to have job in my career jajaja, or perhaps it isn`t such as I think, but it`s a little difficult. I hope to have chances, although I know I must looking for that. 
If this thing would depend of myself, I would like to have a good working team, it`s really necesary to have good atmosphere for being good projects. In this university we don`t have specialization areas, so all of us we can do everything, in this career of course, so in the beginning I would do anything, although I like technical part (photography, sound, and so on). I have to say my real dream is to get out of Chile and to work out. 
Finally if I was asked in a job interview, I would say my strengths are my patient and dedication XD, and my weaknesses, my difficulty for concentraiting when I don`t like the human group, but I can do it, although not in the best condition.    


  1. i feel the same when i studied chemical, and my concentration is very bad too.

  2. HI caro, you have to run from Chile if U wanna be successful. But remember. #YOLO
