Monday, September 1, 2014

It`s really hard to question to someone studies cinema what is his favourite movie, I think that I can answer it with respect to my favourites filmmakers, they are Roman Polanski, Darren Aronofsky, Hayao Miyasaki, Wolfgang Becker, and so on, there are a lot of others filmmakers I like, but this time I`ll choose one: Miyasaki`s Spirited Away, it`s a animation movie of Studies Ghibli.

This movie is about a travel, a spiritual and physical travel of Chihiro, Chihiro is ten years old and and she moves away with her parents, when they arrives to other city they lost and they take other road so Chihiro with her parents arrives to a magical and surrealim world where it`s goberned by the evil witch Yubaba. Yubaba transforms in pigs to Chihiro `s parents and she becomes to Chihiro in slave for working in Yubaba`s Bathhouse where arrives gods a spirits to rest, but with the help of Haku and Yubaba`s sister. Zeniba (a white witch), she can go out of this world with her intacts parents.

The real place of this plot it`s a fictional world, but I assume is a some place of Japan, because there are a lot of details of this culture even in the Yubaba`s magical world.
Pehaps this movie has a slow rythm for a child or somebody (I reccommend this movie to my best friend and she didn`t like, she thought is boring) , but the most beautiful parts of this movie are just that parts, it shows wonderful lanscapes, specially when Chihiro travels to house of Zeniba in train with the "no - face". While Chihiro travels in train and passengers (all spirits) leaves the train in the stations it changes the sceneries, I like how train moves thorugh the water after rain and the peace of the scene, with music included.

It`s funny to think in to change a part of the story, the film wouldn`t be same obviously, I think this movie is perfect and precise. This movie has a open ending so I would like to think in the story that happens after the film, when Chihiro and Haku meet and they lives happy XD, although Haku promise Chihiro meet after she goes out Yababa`s world, I want to think in the story after ending.    

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