Monday, September 22, 2014

Friend is a really meaningful word, a word really big and it closes big things and emotions, I can say I tend being very choosy when I find friends, but not for things, obviously, I want to say for their good feelings and transparency, well, I think all of us we´re looking for that, or the major part of us. Although I have very good friends, they´re are very few. My best friend for years have been Alexandra, I consider her my sister too, we knew us in the school, when we were thirteen years old approximately, that have been for a long time XD, by the way I met her once a year now, and this is really hard for talking about things what only she understand it, we can communicate by phone, mails and chat. She lives in Puerto Montt, but the last time we met in La Serena, where her child lives with his father (it´s a really long history why they´re separated).
I consider Alexandra my best friend because only she understands me jajaja, well beside other things more important than that, she´s a really good person, she has a very black humor for laughing of things and situations of life, and specially because she´s very, very faithful, it´s a virtue very strange, very hard for finding it everywhere, anyway she never has let me down.
I have a lot of remembers with her, it have been many time since I know her, and perhaps many of them I wouldn´t like talking about, but once, we were at a little square of Rancagua and suddenly appeared a gypsy girl and she asked us a cigarette, tn these time I didn´t smoke so only Ale had a one, she told us her mother didn´t allow smoking so Ale give her some tips for her mother didn´t find her with strange smells, as eating gums, rubing hands with leafs, and so on, in that place there were some games and one of them went around in circles, and we went up and we started to spin (knowing I could vomit in any moment), finally all of us brought up or pain of stomach.
Other remember I have with her is we were in my house without someone else, in my house always there´re drinks and liquors, so we called my cousin, and we did a little meeting for drinking all, wines, liquors, creams, etc. I only can say we brought up again.

Ale and Maxi

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