Monday, October 6, 2014

Perhaps in this moment the worst new about health in the world it`s about Ebola. Ebola is a virus can kill you in few hours. It`s a bloody and painful death. I recently read at "El Ciudadano", an alternative on line daily, about economic benefits of this disease, and I think is really sinister to take advantage from a illness is killing so many people. We can say the mainly industries see onself benefitting with Ebola are pharmaceuticals companies obviously, their shares have increased over ten per cent, and maybe more. Obviously are pharmaceuticals companies from first world, the company has got more benefits is the Canadian Tekmira Pharmaceuticals and their shares increased in 27,7% the last Wednesday.
And it`s not the only industry getting benefits, the on line shops have increased too like in Nigeria due to throng in some places of this country, and some clothes companies too like Likeland Industries.
I think the main problem with Ebola, thinking if this virus would affect us some day, and thinking too the main motive of these pharmaceutical industries, only few people could vaccinate against this virus and the rest of us would die, considering this, the new I would like to hear is the vaccine is giving free in Africa, I say if the neutral vaccine that pharmaceutical industries is working.



1 comment:

  1. Sometimes...I think Ebola is an artificial virus, and think in the possibility of die because ebola. But I pray to God and He give me the confidence and the peace I need.
