Monday, October 20, 2014

I remember to learn about environmentally friendly practices at school, beside TV and newspapers, but I remember always to have in my mind environmentally practices and environmentally awareness, the problem is not to do that really, specially if society doesn´t help to practice this.
How I said before, it´s hard to have environmentally practices in this country, in fact, they don´t help you to take out the trash, it needs separated trash cans at least. At my house for example we use solar cell for having hot water, we don´t use gas, it´s the best way for saving that, beside it doesn´t pollute, the problem is when there isn´t sun, but for that we use heater through the same system, and it pollutes too. I love to walk, so it isn´t necessary for me to use a car or bus when I´m close to places where I have to go.
In spite of I haven´t never joined or supported an eco - organization in my life, even World Wild Life Found or Green Peace or something similar, I think this problem must to start for speaking in the government, specially through propaganda, for this need enters better in the mind of people.
Perhaps the best way for we help in this cause is to have a real awareness and to insert it in the educational system. In this moment I find the best way to help and to do environmentally practices is to learn to children and new generations.
Perhaps nobody has the power for reducing completely our carbon footprint, but everything start for little details, for example don´t take out garbage in any place, don´t print or to use a lot of paper for reading, don´t take out oils in the dishwasher, and so on.
I think in Santiago it doesn´t happen nothing respecting to this, in few places there are trash cans with separated garbage and if there is trash cans with this character people don´t respect the separation between paper, splinter of glass or plastic, due to that, is necessary to have a subject in the school dedicated to this.            

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