Monday, November 17, 2014

Actually, English is the language you must learn because the most information that is on Internet is in English, probably your favorite movies are spoken in this language and, in my case, my favorite music has letters in English, so you have learn it. But I recognize I like a lot the language, I like even how it sounds, besides you have much more possibilities to combine new words with two or more words that have new meanings it´s easier to conjugate verbs and it´s not necessary to worry about the gender. 

I´ve had this course since level two due to the first test I arrived late and I didn´t take seriously, but always it´s very good to go over again a strange language (well, I don´t know other language so the only work I have is reviewing English) and I liked it to take the course in this career, I think is more complex and complete that you see at the school. I think the blog is a really good instance for practicing the writing and to find new words and combinations of words to write, besides the activity makes thinking about all you have learnt at length in the course. 

Now, I think I really need to go out the country for learning good English XD, I think the only way for improving and to learn more is traveling, specially to country speaks English, although I prefer United Kingdom for that. Or, if I can´t go out, I´ll have to learn and to review watching movies in English and, perhaps, to start watching it without subtitles, because I find I listen to much music in English, but I must listen to with more attention and to use the language for knowing new people that spoke in English, I think is one of the best chances for improving the language inside of Chile.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Well, I consider this year has been quite strange, but it not means that is bad, just strange. Because of that I have had good experiences in this year, the return of people I really missed them, new projects or new projects in my head at least, out of this new post I find this message is a little personal, I don`t like to talk about my personal life of my thoughts, but perhaps is a good chance for listing things I have to do still, for example to travel :) (a telling repetitive in my posts).
I haven`t had bad situations in this year, or still yet, and I hope not to have them, so I prefer no thinking about things grieve me.
I like to learn so I think to follow doing new things and having new experiences, practicing new roles, finding new people and meeting with my beloved beings.
Just that for now, I haven`t performed well in this homework because I`m not much time left for uploading this post I have a long shooting day. Kiss!

Monday, October 27, 2014

I think this is a very strange post, everybody knows if we´re living in a modern system we need money, but I´m completely sure we can find other ways for living, it´s hard, but not impossible. I´ve heard of families that live without money or few of it, and they live not so bad, so I´d like to think this is not important to me, or in this moment at least, specially if I don´t have somebody depending on me.
Sadly I don´t survive with few money, I spend on school, transport, food, personal things, and so on, specially on school, in fact, I must go now to the administration because I have problems with that, it looks like joke too if I´m really bad managing my budget, I have tried to record it many times but it has turned out, but I´m trying to improve.
The question about what you would do if you were a millionaire, is´s like when you ask a child what you would do if you had a lot of toys, or a candy shop just to you, well, sincerely I haven´t thought many times about this, specially now I´m old, but perhaps I would invest it in real states, thinking like a investor jajajaja, but I don´t know really, perhaps I´d travel overseas for a long time, and I ´d leave the other part for my family and welfare.
If I would had to pawn any of my belongings, well, I don´t have obsesion for things, or my things al least, so I think I would pawn anything, any...

Monday, October 20, 2014

I remember to learn about environmentally friendly practices at school, beside TV and newspapers, but I remember always to have in my mind environmentally practices and environmentally awareness, the problem is not to do that really, specially if society doesn´t help to practice this.
How I said before, it´s hard to have environmentally practices in this country, in fact, they don´t help you to take out the trash, it needs separated trash cans at least. At my house for example we use solar cell for having hot water, we don´t use gas, it´s the best way for saving that, beside it doesn´t pollute, the problem is when there isn´t sun, but for that we use heater through the same system, and it pollutes too. I love to walk, so it isn´t necessary for me to use a car or bus when I´m close to places where I have to go.
In spite of I haven´t never joined or supported an eco - organization in my life, even World Wild Life Found or Green Peace or something similar, I think this problem must to start for speaking in the government, specially through propaganda, for this need enters better in the mind of people.
Perhaps the best way for we help in this cause is to have a real awareness and to insert it in the educational system. In this moment I find the best way to help and to do environmentally practices is to learn to children and new generations.
Perhaps nobody has the power for reducing completely our carbon footprint, but everything start for little details, for example don´t take out garbage in any place, don´t print or to use a lot of paper for reading, don´t take out oils in the dishwasher, and so on.
I think in Santiago it doesn´t happen nothing respecting to this, in few places there are trash cans with separated garbage and if there is trash cans with this character people don´t respect the separation between paper, splinter of glass or plastic, due to that, is necessary to have a subject in the school dedicated to this.            

Monday, October 6, 2014

Perhaps in this moment the worst new about health in the world it`s about Ebola. Ebola is a virus can kill you in few hours. It`s a bloody and painful death. I recently read at "El Ciudadano", an alternative on line daily, about economic benefits of this disease, and I think is really sinister to take advantage from a illness is killing so many people. We can say the mainly industries see onself benefitting with Ebola are pharmaceuticals companies obviously, their shares have increased over ten per cent, and maybe more. Obviously are pharmaceuticals companies from first world, the company has got more benefits is the Canadian Tekmira Pharmaceuticals and their shares increased in 27,7% the last Wednesday.
And it`s not the only industry getting benefits, the on line shops have increased too like in Nigeria due to throng in some places of this country, and some clothes companies too like Likeland Industries.
I think the main problem with Ebola, thinking if this virus would affect us some day, and thinking too the main motive of these pharmaceutical industries, only few people could vaccinate against this virus and the rest of us would die, considering this, the new I would like to hear is the vaccine is giving free in Africa, I say if the neutral vaccine that pharmaceutical industries is working.



Monday, September 29, 2014

I wouldn`t like speaking about my future, even my job, at some other time I have planed about my future and few things have happened, I think now it wasn`t things for me. I prefer to think on this way now.  
I have studied other career in the past, and I hated it, one of this motives it was thinking I had being in one office all my life, I imagined it and I wanted getting out away. So, finally I decided looking for other ways, because never it`s too late, so I`m here jajajaj. 
I like a lot this career, it has everything I like, photography, sound, I write too, but how I like to learn I have checked in other areas too, like organization areas. 
I would like to have a master degree in the future, I don`t know what degree still, or a specialization course, I have to see it. 
This career in this country is really hard, so I`ll be content with to have job in my career jajaja, or perhaps it isn`t such as I think, but it`s a little difficult. I hope to have chances, although I know I must looking for that. 
If this thing would depend of myself, I would like to have a good working team, it`s really necesary to have good atmosphere for being good projects. In this university we don`t have specialization areas, so all of us we can do everything, in this career of course, so in the beginning I would do anything, although I like technical part (photography, sound, and so on). I have to say my real dream is to get out of Chile and to work out. 
Finally if I was asked in a job interview, I would say my strengths are my patient and dedication XD, and my weaknesses, my difficulty for concentraiting when I don`t like the human group, but I can do it, although not in the best condition.    

Monday, September 22, 2014

Friend is a really meaningful word, a word really big and it closes big things and emotions, I can say I tend being very choosy when I find friends, but not for things, obviously, I want to say for their good feelings and transparency, well, I think all of us we´re looking for that, or the major part of us. Although I have very good friends, they´re are very few. My best friend for years have been Alexandra, I consider her my sister too, we knew us in the school, when we were thirteen years old approximately, that have been for a long time XD, by the way I met her once a year now, and this is really hard for talking about things what only she understand it, we can communicate by phone, mails and chat. She lives in Puerto Montt, but the last time we met in La Serena, where her child lives with his father (it´s a really long history why they´re separated).
I consider Alexandra my best friend because only she understands me jajaja, well beside other things more important than that, she´s a really good person, she has a very black humor for laughing of things and situations of life, and specially because she´s very, very faithful, it´s a virtue very strange, very hard for finding it everywhere, anyway she never has let me down.
I have a lot of remembers with her, it have been many time since I know her, and perhaps many of them I wouldn´t like talking about, but once, we were at a little square of Rancagua and suddenly appeared a gypsy girl and she asked us a cigarette, tn these time I didn´t smoke so only Ale had a one, she told us her mother didn´t allow smoking so Ale give her some tips for her mother didn´t find her with strange smells, as eating gums, rubing hands with leafs, and so on, in that place there were some games and one of them went around in circles, and we went up and we started to spin (knowing I could vomit in any moment), finally all of us brought up or pain of stomach.
Other remember I have with her is we were in my house without someone else, in my house always there´re drinks and liquors, so we called my cousin, and we did a little meeting for drinking all, wines, liquors, creams, etc. I only can say we brought up again.

Ale and Maxi