Monday, September 29, 2014

I wouldn`t like speaking about my future, even my job, at some other time I have planed about my future and few things have happened, I think now it wasn`t things for me. I prefer to think on this way now.  
I have studied other career in the past, and I hated it, one of this motives it was thinking I had being in one office all my life, I imagined it and I wanted getting out away. So, finally I decided looking for other ways, because never it`s too late, so I`m here jajajaj. 
I like a lot this career, it has everything I like, photography, sound, I write too, but how I like to learn I have checked in other areas too, like organization areas. 
I would like to have a master degree in the future, I don`t know what degree still, or a specialization course, I have to see it. 
This career in this country is really hard, so I`ll be content with to have job in my career jajaja, or perhaps it isn`t such as I think, but it`s a little difficult. I hope to have chances, although I know I must looking for that. 
If this thing would depend of myself, I would like to have a good working team, it`s really necesary to have good atmosphere for being good projects. In this university we don`t have specialization areas, so all of us we can do everything, in this career of course, so in the beginning I would do anything, although I like technical part (photography, sound, and so on). I have to say my real dream is to get out of Chile and to work out. 
Finally if I was asked in a job interview, I would say my strengths are my patient and dedication XD, and my weaknesses, my difficulty for concentraiting when I don`t like the human group, but I can do it, although not in the best condition.    

Monday, September 22, 2014

Friend is a really meaningful word, a word really big and it closes big things and emotions, I can say I tend being very choosy when I find friends, but not for things, obviously, I want to say for their good feelings and transparency, well, I think all of us we´re looking for that, or the major part of us. Although I have very good friends, they´re are very few. My best friend for years have been Alexandra, I consider her my sister too, we knew us in the school, when we were thirteen years old approximately, that have been for a long time XD, by the way I met her once a year now, and this is really hard for talking about things what only she understand it, we can communicate by phone, mails and chat. She lives in Puerto Montt, but the last time we met in La Serena, where her child lives with his father (it´s a really long history why they´re separated).
I consider Alexandra my best friend because only she understands me jajaja, well beside other things more important than that, she´s a really good person, she has a very black humor for laughing of things and situations of life, and specially because she´s very, very faithful, it´s a virtue very strange, very hard for finding it everywhere, anyway she never has let me down.
I have a lot of remembers with her, it have been many time since I know her, and perhaps many of them I wouldn´t like talking about, but once, we were at a little square of Rancagua and suddenly appeared a gypsy girl and she asked us a cigarette, tn these time I didn´t smoke so only Ale had a one, she told us her mother didn´t allow smoking so Ale give her some tips for her mother didn´t find her with strange smells, as eating gums, rubing hands with leafs, and so on, in that place there were some games and one of them went around in circles, and we went up and we started to spin (knowing I could vomit in any moment), finally all of us brought up or pain of stomach.
Other remember I have with her is we were in my house without someone else, in my house always there´re drinks and liquors, so we called my cousin, and we did a little meeting for drinking all, wines, liquors, creams, etc. I only can say we brought up again.

Ale and Maxi

Monday, September 8, 2014

I haven`t had various concerts in my life, but I`ve had very good concerts and the greatest concert I`ve went was "The Cure", in April of the last year at Estadio Nacional. It`s awesome to think how I get a ticket, well my sister`s best friend took part in a radio competition for a ticket, so when they called her to say she won this ticket, she got change hte clothe to leather clothes, she comb her hair and she ran quickly to radio, when she arrived they gave her a ticket and they took a photo for the radio web page, and she appeared so happy for that so they gave her other ticket, she was more happy :). Monserrat, (the name of this friend), called my sister for saying she had two ticket for The Cure!, and Monserrat ask whether she would like to go with her, but my sister said her she didn`t like The Cure but my sister loved them... that`s me!, I remember I just was sleeping when Monse called me by phone and she said me she had two tickets and if I would want to go with her, I couldn`t to believe it, I didn`t respond inmediatly so I said yes and I slept all the night... I fell in account in the morning.
So finally we went to see The Cure, when we arrived to Estadio Nacional it was really hot, we drank all water we had, but when they opened the doors we run so quickly as we can, and it happend something really strange, there is no inspection in the doors for the vip zone, it was all confused, it was all mixed for both fields of the stadium, so Monse took my hand and we ran to entrance of vip zone, and we arrived to the scenary, rather close to scenary. It was very nice in the start, but we tire due to heat and the lack of water, we had to got back, for going to bathroom and drinking some water.
In respect with this concert, it was the longest concert I´ve gone, The Cure is a british band so I assume they`re aware of a communion with their public and not just for the moment and money and then they go. We heard their more important songs, and specially my favourite, "Just like heaven" but I like more songs of them obviously "Why can I be you?", "Boys don`t cry", "Love song", "Sweet Lullaby", and so on. Because of that I consider my best concert I`ve never had.                  

Monday, September 1, 2014

It`s really hard to question to someone studies cinema what is his favourite movie, I think that I can answer it with respect to my favourites filmmakers, they are Roman Polanski, Darren Aronofsky, Hayao Miyasaki, Wolfgang Becker, and so on, there are a lot of others filmmakers I like, but this time I`ll choose one: Miyasaki`s Spirited Away, it`s a animation movie of Studies Ghibli.

This movie is about a travel, a spiritual and physical travel of Chihiro, Chihiro is ten years old and and she moves away with her parents, when they arrives to other city they lost and they take other road so Chihiro with her parents arrives to a magical and surrealim world where it`s goberned by the evil witch Yubaba. Yubaba transforms in pigs to Chihiro `s parents and she becomes to Chihiro in slave for working in Yubaba`s Bathhouse where arrives gods a spirits to rest, but with the help of Haku and Yubaba`s sister. Zeniba (a white witch), she can go out of this world with her intacts parents.

The real place of this plot it`s a fictional world, but I assume is a some place of Japan, because there are a lot of details of this culture even in the Yubaba`s magical world.
Pehaps this movie has a slow rythm for a child or somebody (I reccommend this movie to my best friend and she didn`t like, she thought is boring) , but the most beautiful parts of this movie are just that parts, it shows wonderful lanscapes, specially when Chihiro travels to house of Zeniba in train with the "no - face". While Chihiro travels in train and passengers (all spirits) leaves the train in the stations it changes the sceneries, I like how train moves thorugh the water after rain and the peace of the scene, with music included.

It`s funny to think in to change a part of the story, the film wouldn`t be same obviously, I think this movie is perfect and precise. This movie has a open ending so I would like to think in the story that happens after the film, when Chihiro and Haku meet and they lives happy XD, although Haku promise Chihiro meet after she goes out Yababa`s world, I want to think in the story after ending.