Thursday, April 18, 2013

My name is Carolina Acevedo Zúñiga, and I`m 27 years old. I was born in Rancagua, but I grew up in Doñihue (a little town next to Rancagua). I started my studies in the school of that town but then I went to other school in other town next to my place (a better education I assume). In the secondary I studied in a boarding school here in Santiago (Ñuñoa specifically), but when I finished I didn`t know what I wanted to do so I decide to study Business and Administration, then too late, I fall in account I hated it so I entered in a career that I never thought to study (in spite of I always I loved it), Film and Television and I`m here now, in my third year of studies.

I`m from Doñihue so my parents too, well, my father is from Doñihue but my mother is from a little town next to Doñihue called Coltauco. They meet in my granmother`s house. when the brother`s mum died in a accident (my mother went to live to my grandmother`s house). then they married and they live together since then, very happy. 

I have two sisters (I`m the big sister), my sister Loreto`s 24 years old, she`s a care worker and she`s married a little ago time, my other sister, Catalina is 13 years old and she`s in the primary school yet.   

I like reading, photographing my family life and some student protests at the streets, and watching movies. In this moment I`m a sushi adict, though I like food in general. 

Finally I hope, or rather I dream to travel the world and knowing diferent cultures and people (specially travelling overseas).   


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