Monday, August 25, 2014

It´s not for a particular reason too but I would love to visit India, perhaps due to its diversity and multicultural land, it´s a great place to know anything about everything and for the spiritual atmosphere too, it´s a vision totally different to our.
I don´t know nothing about India except for books, news, reports and people have been there, I find a big mystery and a big chance for knowing people that thinks different to you, well, Asia has a big quantity of groups of different thoughts and knowings generally. 
If I had the opportunity for visit this country, the first thing I would do it´d be to know everywhere, I´d explore all places I can know and I can visit, not only Taj Mahal, Tibet, Ganges or any other famous place, not well knowing places too. I ´d know people, I´d speak with them and I´d try understand them, very difficult for a western person like me. 
I don´t have information about universities, works or any places where I can stand, I know there is poverty and sicknesses but not for resources precisely, so I´d like to go to work, to explore and perhaps to study, I think in Bollywood XD, it could be a good chance for my career... maybe.    


Monday, August 18, 2014

First Class

I´m Carolina, I´m 29 years old and I´m still student, I study Cinema and TV. In this moment I have little time for spending to do things I like, but when I have time I like running, reading, watching movies and specially listening to music, any kind of music, except reggaeton, I hate it, that is no music, perhaps I´m little hard for judging but it´s true. I live with my parents yet, and my little sister, my other sister lives away, she´s independent now. I´m proud of my family, they´re good and very nice people. They always have supported me.
With respect to English, I love it, but I´m totally out of training, I need to practice it, to read it and specially to speak it more. I hope to go out of my country for that happens :).