Monday, November 17, 2014

Actually, English is the language you must learn because the most information that is on Internet is in English, probably your favorite movies are spoken in this language and, in my case, my favorite music has letters in English, so you have learn it. But I recognize I like a lot the language, I like even how it sounds, besides you have much more possibilities to combine new words with two or more words that have new meanings it´s easier to conjugate verbs and it´s not necessary to worry about the gender. 

I´ve had this course since level two due to the first test I arrived late and I didn´t take seriously, but always it´s very good to go over again a strange language (well, I don´t know other language so the only work I have is reviewing English) and I liked it to take the course in this career, I think is more complex and complete that you see at the school. I think the blog is a really good instance for practicing the writing and to find new words and combinations of words to write, besides the activity makes thinking about all you have learnt at length in the course. 

Now, I think I really need to go out the country for learning good English XD, I think the only way for improving and to learn more is traveling, specially to country speaks English, although I prefer United Kingdom for that. Or, if I can´t go out, I´ll have to learn and to review watching movies in English and, perhaps, to start watching it without subtitles, because I find I listen to much music in English, but I must listen to with more attention and to use the language for knowing new people that spoke in English, I think is one of the best chances for improving the language inside of Chile.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Well, I consider this year has been quite strange, but it not means that is bad, just strange. Because of that I have had good experiences in this year, the return of people I really missed them, new projects or new projects in my head at least, out of this new post I find this message is a little personal, I don`t like to talk about my personal life of my thoughts, but perhaps is a good chance for listing things I have to do still, for example to travel :) (a telling repetitive in my posts).
I haven`t had bad situations in this year, or still yet, and I hope not to have them, so I prefer no thinking about things grieve me.
I like to learn so I think to follow doing new things and having new experiences, practicing new roles, finding new people and meeting with my beloved beings.
Just that for now, I haven`t performed well in this homework because I`m not much time left for uploading this post I have a long shooting day. Kiss!